
HERBANOL at IRANCOSMETICA: Shaping the Future of Beauty and Hygiene

The 5th IRAN COSMETICA, hosted at Tehran’s Olympic Hotel, brought together top names in cosmetics, hygiene, and detergents. Representing HERBANOL, I delved into the latest trends, meeting over 70 exhibitors and mingling with some of the 12,000 attendees.


HERBANOL’s Key Contributions and Innovations

We focused on critical talks about creating eco-friendly products and new methods for extracting natural ingredients. These areas align perfectly with HERBANOL’s mission. The event broadened our knowledge and sparked opportunities for future partnerships. We’re excited to apply these insights in our labs, pushing the boundaries of cosmetic science.


Introducing HERBANOL’s New Natural Antioxidants

At IRANCOSMETICA, HERBANOL was proud to unveil our newest creation: natural antioxidants for edible oils and cosmetics. As part of Binalood Golden Oil Company, our innovative products highlight our dedication to sustainability and excellence. They perfectly blend nature’s best with scientific prowess.


Fostering Sustainable Connections in the Beauty Industry

Our role at IRANCOSMETICA went beyond showcasing products. It was about forging relationships with others who envision a greener future. We had deep conversations about our industry’s environmental duties. HERBANOL (Binalood Golden Oil Co. – R&D) showed our commitment to reducing environmental impact, ensuring safety, and practicing ethical finance.

Collaboration and Engagement at IRANCOSMETICA

The event was ripe for collaboration, allowing us to seek partnerships that share our commitment to community and stakeholder engagement. We discussed natural antioxidants’ role in cosmetics and their importance in fighting oxidative stress, echoing our R&D focus.

Moving Forward: HERBANOL’s Dedication to Innovation and Social Responsibility

The connections made at IRANCOSMETICA will aid us in weaving social responsibility into our business fabric. We’re inspired to innovate continuously, ensuring HERBANOL (Binalood Golden Oil Co. – R&D) products beautify and contribute to a sustainable world.


Join us on this journey of discovery and transformation as we bring to you the best of nature, meticulously crafted for your health and beauty.